Acupuncture is a traditional key component of Chinese medicine. It is mainly used to treat pain. This procedure inserts tiny acupuncture needles through your skin at selected body parts. Acupuncture is being used for overall wellness and stress management.
Traditional medicine experts explain acupuncture as a procedure to balance the flow of energy or life force -known as chi or qi (chee). In contrast, many Western practitioners believed that acupuncture points are a way to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. It stimulates the body’s natural painkiller and reduces stress.
Acupuncture is used to treat various diseases and conditions, such as:
- Fibromyalgia
- Chemotherapy
- Tennis elbow
- Allergic rhinitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Dental pain
- Respiratory Disorders
- Menstrual Cramps
- Headaches
- Migraine
- Labor pain
- Lower back pain
- Neck pain
The article describes in detail the different types of acupuncture and their benefits:
It is one of the oldest treatment methods used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The purpose of this technique is to encourage the qi ( life energy) movement through the 14 channels inside the body. In this technique, the person uses their fingers instead of needles to press the points. The procedure is easy and can be done at home by the patient. The patient may experience a slight pain when the right acupuncture point is pressed.
It is very helpful to treat nausea and vomiting after surgery or invasive medical procedures. Acupressure can also help in reducing the pain.
Auricular Acupuncture:
Auricular Acupuncture is a non-invasive therapy that involves applying pressure to specific acupuncture points on the ear using Vaccaria seeds or magnetic pallets. It is well known for managing constipation. Auricular Acupuncture (AA) is affordable, painless, and has a high patient acceptance rate.
Battlefield Acupuncture:
Dr. Richard Niemtzow developed this technique. This is a subtype of Auricular Acupuncture. It uses tiny semi-permanent needles inserted into the skin of the outer surface of the ear at five designated acupuncture points. The patient may experience slight pain when inserting needles. The needles remain in the ear for 2-4 days and fall out independently. It is highly effective for acute pain management and is valued for its quick application and minimal side effects.
Electroacupuncture is when tiny needles are inserted into the skin at particular acupuncture points and stimulated with an electric current. It reduces pain by the release of endogenous opioids ( a drug that relieves pain)
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture:
It is a type of traditional acupuncture. This cosmetic treatment is used to help make the skin look fresher, younger, and smoother. It is much better than injection procedures. It addresses the signs of aging and improves overall skin health.
In Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, the acupuncturist inserts 50 to 70 tiny painless needles on your face. As the needles puncture your skin, it creates wounds known as positive micro traumas. These wounds act as a natural stimulant for repair mode. This puncture regulates the body’s overall circulation and nourishes the cells, resulting in a nourished and glowy skin. This procedure also improves the skin complexion. It also stimulates the production of collagen, thus improving elasticity and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles.
Five Element Acupuncture:
The practice of acupuncture began more than 3000 years ago in China. The practice of the five elements of acupuncture is based on understanding the cyclic flow of crucial energy known as Qi. All the five elements, Water, Metal, Earth, Fire, and Wood, represent a distinct quality of the continual flow of nature and health. This technique helps treat chronic diseases, anxiety, digestive problems, chronic stress, Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, sleep disturbance, emotional balance, and many other diseases.
Japanese Acupuncture:
It is an ancient and effective procedure used to treat various internal dysfunction disorders, control pain, and regulate the body’s function. It is a safe, natural therapy that prevents disease and is used to heal illness and improve well-being. There are five styles of Japanese Acupuncture:
- Meridian Therapy
- Kikko Matsumoto Style
- Shonishin
- Kampo
- Moxibustion
This technique supports physical, emotional, and mental well-being and addresses various health concerns.
Korean Head Acupuncture:
Korean Head Acupuncture, or Koryo Hand Therapy, involves stimulating specific points on the head and hands to treat various ailments. It is based on the belief that the hands and head are microcosms of the entire body. This technique is often used for neurological conditions, such as stroke rehabilitation, and for pain management. Its precision and effectiveness make it a valuable tool in integrative medicine.
Laser Acupuncture:
Laser acupuncture is a type of low-intensity laser irradiation that uses needles instead of needles to stimulate traditional acupuncture points. This procedure is safe, painless, and has no side effects. It is used to treat chronic pain caused by conditions such as arthritis, migraines, and fibromyalgia. It reduces inflammation, alleviates muscle tension, and promotes pain relief.
Scalp Acupuncture:
It is a modern acupuncture therapy based on the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory. It is a microsystem acupuncture that stimulates certain areas of the scalp to treat brain-related neurological and psychological disorders. It is also used to treat hair loss, skin issues, chronic headaches, spinal pain, and other diseases that occur after brain surgery.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture:
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture is when acupuncture needles are inserted through your skin at designated points. It is used to treat pain, maintain overall wellness, and reduce stress.
Trigger Point Acupuncture:
Trigger Point Acupuncture treats Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain (CNLBP). The therapist will locate a trigger point, and they’ll insert a needle through your skin into it. They will move the needle and try to find “ Local Twitch Response.” This is a quick spasm of muscle, which is a good sign that your muscle is active. The therapy improves circulation and body posture, reduces tension and stress, and increases energy levels.
Wrist-Ankle Acupuncture:
Wrist-ankle acupuncture (WAA) is a type of acupuncture used to treat acute pain in orthopedic surgery. In this procedure, Each side of the body is divided into six vertical zones numbered 1 to 6, and a circular horizontal line is drawn at the level of the diaphragm to divide the body into upper and lower halves. Each vertical zone defines one acupuncture point at the wrist or ankle. This type of acupuncture improves wrist movements and decreases pain.
Acupuncture is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine. The acupuncture benefits range widely from reducing pain to improving overall wellness.